

Official - Submit Other People's Maps Here


Over the past few years I have had players send me maps that they find and think would be good to add to the main rotation. These might be maps that they find while playing in public rooms (P0/P1), maps they remember playing years ago, maps they find while browsing Micetigri/CFM, anywhere. I have found that maps sent to me this way have been of high quality, so I have decided to try opening a thread so everyone can submit the maps they find here. I don't know how long this thread will last. If it goes bad, I will lock this thread within a month or two.

So, if you find a map that you think is good for P4-P9, submit it here.

(Obvious stuff - don't submit your own maps here or favor your friends' maps. Submitting a friend's map is ok, but don't abuse it - only post if you genuinely think the map is good for rotation. If you try to submit a map of yours with an alt or something I will find out and you will be blacklisted from all map submission threads and punished more severely if needed. There is no reward for posting a lot of maps so don't waste my time. Use common sense and don't be annoying.)

  • The purpose of this thread is to submit maps created by OTHER players that you think would be good for P4-P9.
  • Only post a map if you genuinely believe it is fun and should be in rotation.
  • Submit the map code and the map author (example: Mooranngo - @210215)
  • You can submit as many maps as you know of.
  • I will not be posting reviews or saying which maps I've chosen. I will simply post checkpoints so I can keep track of where I left off.

Any questions? Just ask me.
Otherwise, find me some maps!
